
Showing posts from September, 2018

Benefits of Reading Aloud? Here's What We Know!!

Much research has been done on the importance, and  the benefits, of  reading aloud to our children.  Here are some great resources from respected educators, authors and researchers: Read Aloud Nebraska Reading Rockets National Education Association PBS Parents Washington Post Novak Djokovic Foundation CNN

You Want Me to Read That? AGAIN???

Has this scene played out in your home?  Does your child often ask to hear the same story over and over...and over again?!  Your child, like our cartoon friend Calvin, knows how important it is to read and reread stories.   Here are some favorite articles that shed light on this topic, giving us all something to think about when our child asks to read the same story over ... and over ... and over! Why Reading the Same Book Repeatedly Is Good For Kids (Even If It Drives You Nuts!) Read It Again, Please!  The Benefits of Repeated Read Alouds Repeated Interactive Read-Alouds in Preschool and Kindergarten