
Congratulations to These Finishers

Way to go! These kids have completed the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program. A huge thanks to their families for making this happen. As of 3/30/2020: Alissa Bria Zoe As of 1/22/20: Kara Dominic As of 1/10/20: Emily Jakyn Evelyn Charolette As of 12/31/19: Cora Easton William As of 11/26/19: David Vinny Eloise Merrick Rosie Calvin Luke Macy Ezekiel Zoey Elijah Quentin Violet As of 10/25/19: Estella Asher Xavier Jayelle Olivia

Welcome to the Club!!!

3/30/2020: We had a couple more kids join before we closed. Please welcome: Jaxon Bristol *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    2/14/2020: We're starting the year strong with these new friends: Brooklyn Jade Simon Talia Ash Madelyn Harrison Dexter Tobias *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    12/31/19: We finished the year strong with these new participants: Maddox Kasein Liam Jeremiah Luca Georgia Emersyn Finnlay Kohlbe Pearl Alexis *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    10/25/19: It's been a bus...

They're Halfway There!

We are excited to announce the children who have reached 500 books! They are halfway to their goal of 1000 Books Before Kindergarten. As of 5/22/19 these children have read 500 books: David Vinny  Charlotte Emily Alexander Merrick Raylen Holden Everett Estella Eliora Ezekiel Macy Zoey Jayelle Jakyn Noelle Bria Quentin Elijah Violet Olivia As of 1/16/19 this child has read 500 books: Rosie As of 1/9/2019 these children have read 500 books: Xavier Asher

Reading With Expression!

You don't have to be a trained actor to read with your child.  All it takes is some practice and an awareness of the qualities that make for an interesting, engaging reading of a story! Here is the wonderful Mem Fox reading her story, Good Night, Sleep Tight. Ways to Read with Expression Make sounds , whether they are animals or vehicles. Young kids connect sounds with objects as part of their language development. Taking that connection to the pages of a book helps with literacy development as well. Give characters different voices . These voices don't need to be perfect and can even change each time. Making your voice sound different will keep your little one's attention while you read.  Vary your speed and volume as you read. Getting louder at an exciting part helps little ones follow the story better. Also slowing down when reading new words or introducing new concepts helps them process better because they have more time to absorb the information an...

Benefits of Reading Aloud? Here's What We Know!!

Much research has been done on the importance, and  the benefits, of  reading aloud to our children.  Here are some great resources from respected educators, authors and researchers: Read Aloud Nebraska Reading Rockets National Education Association PBS Parents Washington Post Novak Djokovic Foundation CNN

You Want Me to Read That? AGAIN???

Has this scene played out in your home?  Does your child often ask to hear the same story over and over...and over again?!  Your child, like our cartoon friend Calvin, knows how important it is to read and reread stories.   Here are some favorite articles that shed light on this topic, giving us all something to think about when our child asks to read the same story over ... and over ... and over! Why Reading the Same Book Repeatedly Is Good For Kids (Even If It Drives You Nuts!) Read It Again, Please!  The Benefits of Repeated Read Alouds Repeated Interactive Read-Alouds in Preschool and Kindergarten


We are pleased you have taken this first step toward your goal of reading 1000 books aloud to your child before it's time to start Kindergarten! Beloved children's book author Mem Fox is said to have inspired the very first 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program, in Bremen Public Library, Indiana.  In her book, Reading Magic , she says " at least three stories a day; it may be the same story three times.  Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read.  Or the same story a thousand times!" This is a self-paced activity, so you and your child will determine how long it takes to reach the 1000 book level.  The staff at Bellevue Public Library looks forward to celebrating a number of milestones with you and your child as you spend time sharing stories, talking together, and discovering the joy of reading. If you have not yet done so, we encourage you to visit the library and register for 1000 Books.  It is fre...